Results & Outputs
The Creative Story-Tellers SDG in ECEC Framework
The comprehensive learning framework highlights opportunities to introduce SDGs in pre-school education by means of multimodular story-telling. It serves as an exhaustive resource for all educators, kindergarten heads or curriculum developers, interested in introducing the SDGs into their daily practice.
It consists of:
– An introduction to SDGs, outlining the benefits for early engagement with sustainability in ECEC, ideas on how to link the topics to the pupils’ life and reality, recommendations on the practical integration of SDGs in pre-school curricula.
– A collection and overview of good practices, research results, proven methods and approaches (per country where applicable) that support the development of playful learning activities and materials integrating arts-based learning and child-oriented methodologies.
– SDGs matching charts, presenting correlation between pre-school curricula and plans/frameworks, activities and each SDG. For each SDG there is a chart with indicative interlinked topics, as well as learning objectives per SDG adapted to the cognitive, behavioral and emotional abilities of preschool students.
Creative Story-Tellers Toolkit
This is a comprehensive resource pack supporting ECEC educators to introduce SDG learning in their learning groups to stimulate young children’s curiosity and enable a first reflection on the global challenges and the role each of us play in sustainable development.
The toolkit consists of:
– Overview of story-telling and role-playing methods, tools and techniques in ECEC and SDGs
– Collection of short stories and tales on SDGs to be used / created in learning groups
– Supporting material such as art, story boards, cards, crafting, game collection, and ideas for creative preschool activities on SDGs suitable for pupils aged 3-6 years old
The Creative Story-Tellers Academy – Training of ECEC staff and educators
Creative Story-Tellers Academy is an integrated training programme, consisting of 12-15 hours of online/ onsite workshops.
Their aim is to enhance educators’ expertise on SDGs, story-telling techniques and supportive digital tools.
It consists of:
– A curriculum for the online-based training, including the following 3 modules:
o Sustainability education in ECEC and opportunities of SDGs
o The pedagogy of supporting children to become creative story-tellers / (digital) story-telling in ECEC
o Digital & Technical skills for supporting the integration of digital elements in the stories (e.g. apps, tools for animation, audio, video, images, music, etc.)
– Up to 10 separate workshops covering the modules
– Training resources and pedagogical material to support the workshops (guidelines, hand-outs, videos, etc.)
– The “Dos and Don’ts”, practical advice to kindergartens, schools and educators, etc.
– A reading syllabus for further auto-didactic learning, including information on related didactical approaches, methods, literature, links, etc.
Creative Story-Tellers Story Collection
The children’s digitally recorded stories are available online (with the approval of the parents and schools) and may be shared with other learning groups. Stories from other children and/or schools might trigger discussion about their understanding of the story and the related SDG topic.